100 people are reportedly missing after terrorist attack in Crocus- Russian media


100 people are reported to be listed as missing after the terrorist attack Crocus, writes VCHQ-OQPU telegram channel, Paralel.Az reports.

According to the channel, the authorities carefully avoid this figure when disclosing statistical data: "Even though there is almost no chance to find those people alive. If we add 139 officially dead people to this 100, the total number of victims of the terrorist attack will be about 240."

Note that on the evening of March 22, a terrorist attack targeted the Crocus City Hall music venue in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, just over the Moscow city limits. The current death toll is 139, and 182 people were injured. Russian law enforcement agencies arrested four people suspected of committing a terrorist act in the Bryansk region. The court decided to remand those four people and four others accused of helping them to commit this crime until May 22.
