89 Azerbaijani citizens subjected to sexual exploitation in 7 foreign countries in 2023


Last year, 89 Azerbaijani citizens were subjected to sexual exploitation in Türkiye, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Iran, and Iraq, this was reflected in the 2023 annual report of the National Coordinator for Combating Human Trafficking, Paralel.Az reports.

It was noted that out of the identified 91 (-3) victims of crimes related to human trafficking and forced labor (90 of whom are female and 1 male), all are citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 28 of them were subjected to sexual exploitation in the Republic of Turkiye, 28 in the Russian Federation, 15 in the United Arab Emirates, 10 in the Kingdom of Bahrain, 4 in the State of Qatar, 3 in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and 1 in Iraq, 2 of them subjected to labor exploitation within the country.

Of the victims, 6 were between the ages of 18-25, 50 were between the ages of 25-35, 35 were above the age of 35, 24 were residents of the capital, 67 were residents of other cities and districts of the republic, and 74 were victimized between 2016-2022, while 17 were victimized in 2023.
