Ditmir Bushati: We don't have authority to help or meddle in elections


“We don't have authority to help or meddle in elections, or anything of that kind. We have been invited solely to conduct monitoring and observe the process at the invitation of the member state”, Ditmir Bushati, the head of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) observation mission, said this at a press conference regarding the opening of the ODIHR observation mission for the upcoming extraordinary parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan, Paralel.Az reports.

In response to a question about the absence of an invitation for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to observe the election, the head of the mission stated that he is in Azerbaijan on behalf of the OSCE, and it would not be appropriate for him to comment on whether any other organization has been invited to observe the process.

“We have always been open to cooperation with all organizations, and our position has not changed. We will monitor the process based on a methodology grounded in international principles",- Ditmir Bushati stressed.
