Representative of President: International community does not provide necessary assistance to Azerbaijan in demining process


“Unfortunately, Armenia has avoided submitting accurate information about mines to us till now, and the information provided, as you know, is very poor quality and low-level information,” the representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on special assignments, Elchin Amirbayov said to the journalists, Paralel.Az reports.

Elchin Amirbayov, noted that the main goal of this conference is to draw the attention of the world community to the landmine problem in Azerbaijan as he said that the information given by Armenia about landmines is useless:

“Considering that Azerbaijan is hosting COP29 this year, we would like to focus the theme of this conference more on nature protection and environmental aspects. More than 300 international experts and representatives representing 75 countries have gathered at this conference and I believe that it became an important event in terms of promoting this issue and providing Azerbaijan with the attention and assistance of the international community."

He reminded that many countries have already conveyed their support to Azerbaijan regarding demining: “Saudi Arabia is one of those states. Soon we will hear more good news, according to preliminary information, our partners from other countries in that region will also join those efforts. The EU ambassador already noted that the EU is traditionally the biggest donor in this matter. The EU has stated that it is ready to take definite steps in the direction of increasing this aid.”

Elchin Amirbeyov, reminded that 95% of the financing of demining works is done from the state budget as Azerbaijan realizes its responsibility regarding the mine problem:
“This is an indication that we do not expect help from other states, we do our own work. It is important that the international community also help, because we think that the international community does not pay the necessary attention and its assistance in this matter."
