Mass disobedience protests start in Armenia, police detain more than 40 protesters in Yerevan-VIDEO-UPDATED


The number of people detained during the protest actions in Yerevan today has reached 41 people, Paralel.Az reports citing

It was reported that the reason for their detention was their disobedience to the legal requirements of the police.


The Armenian people protesting the policy of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan at the call of priest Bagrat Galstyan have started a mass disobedience rally, Paralel.Az reports.

The people that came to the streets have blocked the main roads.

Traffic has stopped on the capital's Victory bridge, Azatutyun avenue, as well as on the Tbilisi highway. Attempts by the police to open the road proved unsuccessful. The police started detaining the protesters who ignored the demand.

Weapons and ammunition were found on the 6 people detained in Etchmiadzin.

A group of protestors have tried to boycott the arrival of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in front of school No. 7. They were removed from the area by police officers a little later.
