Biden appreciates his decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan


US President Joe Biden during a press conference assessed the decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan. The broadcast is taking place on the official account of the President of the United States on Twitter.
The politician noted that he was upset with what was happening in the republic, but he did not regret the withdrawal of troops, since the further presence of US forces in the country would threaten with heavy losses.
US President Joe Biden said that the American goal in Afghanistan has been achieved.
“Our mission in Afghanistan was never nation building, it was not supposed to be a united, centralized democracy. Our only vital interest in Afghanistan remains the same as it was - to prevent terrorist attacks on America, ”Biden said in a special address to the nation.
According to him, the US had a goal in Afghanistan - to get those who staged the 9/11 attack, to make sure that Al Qaeda would not be able to use Afghanistan for future attacks. “We did it,” Biden said, noting that it happened a decade ago.
On August 15, militants of the radical Taliban movement (banned in Russia) announced the establishment of control throughout Afghanistan. Now administration of Afghanistan has been transferred to a temporary council that will hand over power to the Taliban. The new council includes the head of the Supreme Council for National Reconciliation Abdullah Abdullah and former President Hamid Karzai. President Ashraf Ghani left the country.
The official withdrawal of US and NATO troops from Afghan territories began on May 1. US President Joe Biden said that the military cannot support the local government.
