U.S. did not hide its support for the occupation of Azerbaijani lands and separatism for 30 years - Azerbaijani MP


The US has not hidden its support for the occupation of Azerbaijani lands and separatism for 30 years, Member of Azerbaijani Parliament Bahruz Maharramov told Paralel.Az.

Mr Maharramov said that one of the international subjects, perhaps the first, directly responsible for the 30-year-long conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia and numerous losses in this conflict is the United States: "Despite being the superpower of the world, peace and stability in the region under the mediation mission of the United States for 30 years He did not hide his open support for the occupation factor and separatism, which is the main obstacle for Despite the fact that Azerbaijan was subjected to invasion and aggression, the USA adopted the 907th amendment in relation to Azerbaijan with the intention of supporting the occupier.

During the existence of the separatist regime, the United States repeatedly invited terrorists to Washington and other cities and held open meetings with them as "officials". All this suggests that, in fact, Washington has been veiled with a mediation mission to ensure the continuity of the conflict in the region for 30 years. It is a pity that Washington, as a superpower and one of the main global entities responsible for peace and stability in the world, as well as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, is acting as one of the main obstacles to ensuring the rule of international law. Otherwise, official Washington would not have been so jealous of Azerbaijan's liberation of its territories from occupation by ensuring the rule of international law and digging up the roots of separatism entrenched in the Karabakh economic region of Azerbaijan."
