Why not a saboteur, but a spy ...?


After the end of the 44-day war and the signing of a ceasefire agreement between the parties, a group of Armenian militants are being tried, who secretly infiltrated to provoke the occupied territories liberated by our army.
It is interesting that these Armenians, whose military intentions are known, were punished less in the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, just like us in civilian clothes. A spy is usually someone who is inside a country and transfers information that is considered a military or state secret to another state, and the spy often does not have a pistol. The captured Armenian soldiers were also fully equipped with weapons ready for battle in areas where fighting had just ended. Its name also means that if this group was not neutralized, they would be saboteurs with the aim of committing terrorist acts against our troops guarding the territory. And their punishment is more severe. However, according to the declared article, Armenian saboteurs who are on trial can be sentenced to a maximum of 7 years in prison. Apparently, the country's prosecutor's office, irritated by "humanism", forgot how the enemy punished Dilgam and Shahbaz, who were heading for Kelbajar to their homeland, with life imprisonment (the murder of Hasan).
It's another matter if the goal is to impose a light punishment on the Armenian captives who came to pursue our husbands, and then send them by Muradov's plane to Yerevan.

