National Press Day of Azerbaijan


Yes, on the agenda is the calendar for July 22, National Press Day. This day may seem like a professional holiday. For many, this is true. However, there are those who live for everyone, almost "blinded" for people. Today is their day, the only professionals who always see, show, write, educate, inform, innovate, in short, live for everyone and sacrifice themselves both in the dark and in the light!

Today is the day for those who want to live and create in a healthy information environment, receive and produce information, in short, to ensure freedom of speech from July 22 to the next calendar year!

Today there are many people among us who are not, but those whose names are directly inscribed in history. Each loss of a journalist does not mean the death of just one person.

Loss always means the loss of a person. The death of a journalist is a loss not only of society, but also of this country, state and nation. Because his goal and mission is not for a narrow, limited circle, but for a large, wide world, for the entire human audience. In this sense, we are right when we say that today the death rate of journalists is too high.

Among them are our predecessors Salatin Askerova, Ali Mustafayev, Osman Mirzaev, Chingiz Mustafayev, Fakhraddin Shahbazov ...

Among them are Maharram Ibragimov and Siraj Abishov, who were killed by a mine in the village of Susuzluk in Kelbajar.

International media report that five journalists have been killed in the first six months of this year. Last year alone, 66 of our colleagues died in the line of duty. In the 21st century, namely since 2000, 1,073 media representatives have died, including several journalists, cameramen and photojournalists. The Museum of Journalism and News in Washington, DC lists 2,344 media representatives who died in the line of duty between 1837 and 2020.

Today and in the days to come, for many years to come, our colleagues will, first of all, be on an equal footing. As before. Because he is not an ordinary professional, he is a place of information for everyone, a news carrier, a herald of innovations. And although National Press Day is celebrated once a year, on July 22, according to the calendar, our mission is anbaan, hourly, daily and in the highest sense - eternity!

My colleagues who are inspired by this good news by leaving themselves and their hands free in places where people live happily and freely!

The victims of this field, peace and security, the sum of all good intentions, turn to "We have come to tell you!" with a desire to present!

Nigar Orujova
