Doha round of Gaza talks concluded, parties to meet in Cairo by the end of next week - UPDATED


The talks in Doha regarding Gaza took place in a serious, constructive, and positive atmosphere, a joint declaration by Egypt, Qatar, and the U.S. stated, Paralel.Az reports.

The statement noted that the parties will meet again in Cairo by the end of next week, with the hope of reaching an agreement to end the conflict in Gaza.

*** 18:19

The Doha round of talks on Gaza has concluded, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar stated, Paralel.Az reports.

He noted that a statement on the outcome of the talks will be released.

According to Israeli media, the Israeli delegation participating in the ceasefire talks in Doha will return to the country this evening.

Note that talks began yesterday in Doha, the capital of Qatar, regarding the declaration of a ceasefire in Gaza.

The meeting was attended by representatives from Qatar, the USA, Egypt, and Israel.

HAMAS representatives did not participate in the talks held in Doha.
