Speaker of Georgian Parliament: "Campaign of hatred and terror are in many cases financed by Europe"


For the last two years, I have been warning European and American diplomats and bureaucrats that the funding of radicals from the EU budget, using fake NGO schemes, harms our country, - said Shalva Papuashvili, Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia, Paralel.Az reports citing IPN.

As the Speaker of the Parliament points out, he repeatedly called on them to condemn the campaign of hatred and terror carried out in the name of Europe and in many cases funded by Europe.

"For the last two years, I have been warning European and American diplomats and bureaucrats that the financing of radicals from the EU budget, using fake NGO schemes, is harming our country (I will say nothing more about contributing to depolarization and similar high matters).

However, I have repeatedly called on them to condemn the campaign of hatred and terror carried out in the name of Europe and in many cases funded by Europe. I also warned that their silence would be seen as an endorsement of violence.

Unfortunately, the only response is indifference and lack of self-criticism. This attack is also a direct result of this indifference.

This is not the Europe that we, Georgians, are co-creators of," wrote the chairman of the parliament.
