UNEP Executive Director announces Azerbaijan as World Environment Day 2026 hosts


"It is wonderful to be here in Azerbaijan – a country tackling the triple planetary crisis head on. The crisis of climate change, the crisis of nature and biodiversity loss, and the crisis of pollution and waste," said UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen, Paralel.Az reports.

"In recent months we have seen record breaking heatwaves hit Europe, India and Mexico, devastating floods in neighbouring Kazakhstan and in Brazil, as well as droughts in China. The impacts of the climate crisis are here now. The science shows us that if we are to truly address this global challenge, we need national and global solutions.

Azerbaijan is stepping up nationally. I arrived in Baku earlier this week and spent yesterday seeing the government’s commitment to biodiversity, fragile ecosystems and endangered species first-hand at Shirvan National Park and Khilli Sturgeon Fish Hatchery.

And Azerbaijan has also stepped up to lead global efforts to address the climate crisis as COP29 hosts. COP29 will be a key moment to drive global action, which is why I am pleased to be here with Minister Mukhtar Babayev and the COP29 team to discuss priorities for negotiations later this year in Baku. UNEP is ready to support Azerbaijan to deliver progress – progress on new climate finance goals, progress on transparency, progress on technology, progress on methane and progress on more ambitious NDCs.

UNEP research will continue to support the Presidency, with our flagship reports - the Emissions Gap Report and Adaptation Gap Report - being released ahead of the talks to inform the negotiations. We will also work with the COP29 Presidency on initiatives to support waste management – an often-ignored piece of the climate puzzle – as well as initiatives to support adaptation and water security.

I am also delighted to announce alongside the Minister today that Azerbaijan will host World Environment Day in 2026.

World Environment Day is the largest global platform for environmental engagement and action, inspiring millions of people across the world who participate in online and in-person activities and events aimed at accelerating environmental progress for people and planet.

With Azerbaijan as hosts, World Environment Day 2026 will focus on climate change, continuing the country’s leadership in tackling the climate crisis following their COP29 Presidency.

The world is calling for change. Governments, businesses, civil society and youth leaders all want ambitious and meaningful progress in ending fossil fuel use, restoring degraded nature, reducing pollution and delivering a clean energy transition for all. We need to deliver.

From COP29 to World Environment Day, I look forward to working with the Republic of Azerbaijan to drive progress.

Thank you very much," noted Inger Andersen.
