Milli Majlis Speaker informed TURKPA plenary session on Armenia's environmental terrorism


Armenia committed environmental terrorism in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan. Today, those territories have been declared a Green Energy Zone by the President of Azerbaijan, Sahiba Gafarova, Speaker of the Milli Majlis (Parliament), said at the 13th Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States held in Baku, Paralel.Az reports.

The speaker stated that the strategic vision defined for green energy in liberated territories is at the center of attention: "Unfortunately, our territories have been under Armenian occupation for nearly 30 years, accompanied by ecological terrorism. Armenia has devastated our forests, illegally exploited our natural resources, and polluted our soil and rivers. Today, the smart city and smart village approach, along with zero-emission initiatives, are being implemented in reconstruction works in those territories, and the ecosystem is being restored."
