SpaceX launches Falcon 9 rocket with European Galileo satellite on board


The US company SpaceX has launched a Falcon 9 carrier rocket with the European Galileo satellite on board from the spaceport in Florida, according to a live broadcast on the SpaceX page in the X social network, Paralel.Az reports.

According to the broadcast, the launch took place at 00:34 a.m. GMT.

In March, Politico reported that the European Union had reached an agreement with the United States to launch Galileo global navigation system satellites using SpaceX rockets.

The agreement gives EU and European Space Agency (ESA) personnel "unrestricted access" to the launch site, as well as the right to prioritize the "recovery and storage" of satellite debris in the event of a SpaceX rocket crash. Employees designated by the EU or ESA will have access to "classified equipment and documentation" related to the satellites. The EU also has the right to station guards to protect its equipment.
