Ukrainian army runs out of Patriot missile systems - Adviser of President


Mykhailo Podolyak, a senior adviser to Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Moscow was adopting new tactics of attacking power stations with up to “10 or 12 missiles at a time”, bypassing already stretched Patriot and other missile shields, Paralel.Az reports citing the Guardian.

“The system is overloaded,” Podolyak said in an interview. “Now we have to see whether we can keep the system running, whether we need more air defence systems, especially against anti-ultrasonic ballistic missiles, and whether we can restore the destroyed facilities.”

Podolyak said Ukraine was urgently seeking help from its allies to better tackle the threat, and said that while Kyiv had not yet run out of US-made Patriot and German Iris-T air defence missiles, it was running short of the critical munitions. “They are definitely in deficit,” he said.

Podolyak said the west needed to understand that Russia was “carrying out warfare against the civilian population” and complained of a lack of condemnation from the international community. “The Russians have completely destroyed one of the largest thermal power plants in Europe. But we don’t see any resolutions from the security council in the UN or any other proclamations like that,” he said.
