Blood speculation on the day of Ashura


What is the fate of the blood donated to the memory of Imam Hussein?

On the occasion of Ashura Day, blood donation campaigns are held in different parts of the country, reports. The addresses and phone numbers of blood donation centers are posted on websites and social media, and everyone is encouraged to donate blood instead of spilling blood on Ashura. The addresses and telephones of the Central Blood Bank and its regional branches have not been forgotten. In total, the list includes 9 centers throughout the country. Every year in Ashura, ordinary people donate thousands of liters of blood to the Central Blood Bank. But what happens to the blood taken free of charge from the population for the sake of Allah, Imam Hussein - is this blood sold to patients, like others, or the blood collected free of charge is transferred to the sick for the sake of Allah, Imam Hussein?
With this question, we turned to the professor of medicine Adil Geybulla. Gaybullah said that the blood collected that day is donated to the Central Blood Bank: "Because the blood should already be used free of charge in public hospitals."
According to the expert, the blood donated by people on Ashura day is also sold to patients in hospitals at different prices. Currently, one-time blood transfusions in public hospitals are sold for 70-100 manats at best, and in some cases for 800-1000 manats.
Dear Shiites, by selling the blood that you donate for Imam Hussein, the Azerbaijani healthcare system makes money from it both legally (by selling it to private hospitals) and illegally (by selling it to patients in public hospitals). Therefore, do not trust the Central Blood Bank of Azerbaijan with the blood that you donated for the sake of Imam Hussein, look for other alternatives. For example, you may find patients who need blood and donate their blood on purpose, you may think of other alternatives ...

Akif Nasirli
