Citizens protest against the sale of meat on the sidewalk of the Academy of Sciences


A meat kiosk has opened on 57-61 Zakhid Khalilov Street in the Yasamal district of the capital. We were complained about this by residents, owners of nearby shops and facilities. The complaint also states that the creation of a meat sale point on the sidewalk opposite Baku State University is illogical and incorrect from a hygienic point of view: “The residents of this address were dissatisfied with the location of the Marble meat sale point directly opposite. their buildings. Based on their complaint, the station was moved to the other side. Even now, our shops and residents, passers-by are unhappy. They claim that no animals will be killed here. This is no longer possible due to street conditions. In other words, it is said that animals slaughtered elsewhere will be sold in the area. We strongly disagree. Our complaint is persistent. Concreting an area immediately after placing it means that it will not be moved. How correct is it to sell meat on the sidewalk, in the center, in a crowded place? Is there no other place to sell meat? "
Taking into account the appeals of citizens, we turned to the executive power of the Yasamal region. According to the department of the territorial administration of the executive committee, this issue is under the jurisdiction of the Baku department of trade and services. The mentioned body did not report how many times complaints were received from this address: “This issue is in the direct competence of the Baku City Executive Power and the local executive power. Why do they send us what is theirs?
"Marble" meat stalls have nothing to do with it. We are building other kiosks. "
In response to our request to the Baku City Executive Power, it was stated that illegal booths should not be installed anywhere in the capital. At the same time, the organization promised that the complaint would be investigated and brought to the attention in the near future.

