Armenian analyst: "This issue is being discussed and the process will continue for a long time"


According to, Armenian media reported that important territories were officially transferred to Azerbaijan during the Soviet era. The press also noted that it is vital for the people of Armenia.
Armenian media reported that the recognition by Armenia of the last border of the Soviet Union with Azerbaijan could seriously harm the interests of border residents. According to them, "Yerevan simply cannot go for it." This opinion was expressed in an interview with Sputnik-Armenia by the analyst of the "Orbeli" center Taron Hovhannisyan.
It was noted that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had previously stated that the border issue is on the agenda of the Armenian government. Comparing this process with the construction of a "fence around his country", the prime minister said that "the implementation of these plans is unacceptable when the Azerbaijani troops are on the territory of sovereign Armenia."
Hovhannisyan further said: “If we recognize that the Azerbaijani border passes through the Kelbajar or Lachin regions of Nagorno-Karabakh (now under the control of Azerbaijan), then the issue of NKR recognition is not excluded, but we are considering the territory of the former Nagorno-Karabakh. That is, formally, the border can be crossed there, and after a kilometer - if recognized, this is the territory of independent Karabakh. If we look at the problem in more detail, yes, it is the Karabakh problem ”.
The report goes on to say that things are not limited to this example: “For example, there were lakes Mets Al and Pokr Al (still under the control of Azerbaijan), which until 1929 were part of Soviet Armenia. The same applies to the territories adjacent to Jermuk and Vardenis. In the Sisian region (the narrowest part), the territory of Armenia reaches 27-28 km, but if you look at the documents of the 30s of the twentieth century, it was 17 km wider. However, under some official pretexts, these territories were transferred to Soviet Azerbaijan.
Hovhannisyan also said that Baku went too far and tried to take more from Armenia. According to the expert, taking into account all these nuances and conditions, it is simply impossible to carry out demarcation and implementation along the last Soviet borders: “All these issues are being discussed, and this process will continue for a long time. As for the current behavior of Baku, it is aimed at depriving Armenia of any levers of influence, forcing it to take a hasty decision, which can only be beneficial for Azerbaijan.
According to the report, the territory of Armenia on the current line of contact is very sensitive, and many rural residents and cities simply do not have enough land to provide minimum living conditions. The Armenian press concludes that Armenia will not be able to carry out demarcation in the short term.

