New device for people with type 2 diabetes and kidney failure


According to, the lives of people with type 2 diabetes, at least those with kidney failure, can be made easier. An international team of researchers has signed a successful study called an "artificial pancreas" that effectively and reliably regulates blood sugar levels.
It is noted that diabetes causes liver failure in almost one third of patients. Renal failure patients who regularly visit the clinic for dialysis require a donor kidney transplant to fully restore kidney function. However, for various reasons, not all patients can undergo transplantation.
In this sense, it can be extremely difficult to provide quality diabetes care to patients with renal failure. It is also very difficult to determine the optimal insulin regimen for patients with renal insufficiency.
Previously, researchers at the University of Cambridge developed an artificial pancreas to replace insulin injections in patients with type 1 diabetes. In a study published in the journal Nature Medicine, a similar device was developed in collaboration with Swiss colleagues for patients with type 2 diabetes and kidney failure. It is a compact device that the user wears on the body. It plays the role of a healthy pancreas by controlling the patient's blood glucose levels. Unlike the previous version, the new artificial pancreas is a completely closed system. The system consists of an insulin pump, a blood glucose meter and a program. The software installed on the user's smartphone analyzes the meter readings and, if necessary, sends a command to the insulin pump to regulate the patient's blood insulin level. The measuring device then measures the patient's blood sugar level and sends the program to the smartphone to reset the readings. As a result, the user does not only need to monitor the readings and manually adjust the amount of insulin required in the version of the device designed for type 1 diabetes.

