Why is Russia flirting with us?


Rosselkhoznadzor "found" virus in Azerbaijani potatoes

In recent years, Russian vegetables have been banned from being imported into Azerbaijan for various reasons. These prohibitions include from time to time tomatoes, potatoes, apples, etc. are applied against foods. Rosselkhoznadzor recently warned that if the pepino mosaic virus is found in potatoes exported from Azerbaijan to Russia, it will be banned.
During a recent video monitoring conducted by the Rosselkhoznadzor with the participation of AQTA employees, the pepino mosaic virus was detected in the cargo of LLC Kan Agro and in the consignment of LLC Geothermal Agro during export, as well as in the consignment of LLC Local Garden. an email and notification of the brown mess virus detection was sent. Measures were taken to neutralize seedlings and control the disinfection of the enterprise with the participation of agency employees. AQTA noted that infected seeds are the main source of the virus and the Agency only controls imported seeds through customs clearance. Currently, a large number of seeds that are not registered in the state register and have not been tested are imported into the country through carry-on luggage and mail.
Since Azerbaijani farmers often face such problems, the government is serious about solving them. First, AQTA's management shouldn't look for albums, to avoid responsibility, the organization should spend more time looking for ways to effectively control quality. For example, the AQTA says that the seeds of products detected by viruses and other pests entered a country outside of customs control, which means that we can logically say that we cannot control them. The way out is not that AQTA takes control of mail and bags. The work of AQTA is such a characteristic process that there is a great need for public trust and support. The organization should encourage farmers to buy only seeds provided by licensed companies to avoid certain hazards. However, the farmer must also believe that AQTA is genuinely doing this for the safety of the farmer's harvest. This might fix the problem. Because there are not many companies importing seeds from the country and exporting fruits and vegetables.
At the same time, we need to work to improve the quality of agricultural products in the country so that we do not become dependent only on the Russian market. The Russian government is well aware that Azerbaijani vegetables need their markets because of their poor quality. This is why he bans any company at any time. For example, if we analyze the specific gravity of nitrogen in any vegetable produced in Azerbaijan, it will become clear that it is at least 1.5-2 times higher than the norm. Because our farmers do not care about the soil, they grow vegetables on poor quality soils, they grow vegetables using ammonium salt (NH4NO3). This increases the specific gravity of nitrogen in the food, which leads to poisoning in people with weakened immune systems and when taken with alcohol.
If we can produce products in the country without the use or use of organic and chemical fertilizers, with financial support and awareness, we will be able to export these products to European markets and sell them many times more expensive than in Russia. If we achieve this, Russia will encourage us to export goods to its markets, that is, we will see the complete opposite of the current relationship. In other words, in order to diversify the vegetable markets in Azerbaijan, it is necessary to bring their quality in line with European standards.
With regard to the above viruses, there is no need to diminish the importance of these viruses. They reduce the quality and productivity of the product, and in some cases can cause digestive problems, for example, when eating. Consequently, products containing such viruses must be confiscated and destroyed so that they can be removed from the domestic market. However, in Azerbaijan, all products returned from abroad with Russia are sent to the domestic market, which creates problems for the health of our citizens, and also contributes to the expansion of the spread of the virus, returning it to circulation in the form of seeds. AQTA and the Ministry of Agriculture should work together on these issues.

Akif Nasirli
