There are no signs of a pandemic in Beylagan!


Operational headquarters: "Let's not forget that the pandemic has not yet said goodbye to us"

We have been in Beylagan for two days already. If you do not look at the statistics of the Operational Headquarters in the evening, there are no signs of a coronavirus pandemic in the region. During a conversation with local residents, they said that there was a pandemic in Beylagan last year. According to residents, the second wave that was observed in the country last fall was not felt in Beylagan. A pandemic broke out in the region in mid-2020, ahead of the 44-day war. After this period, the pandemic gradually subsided.
The population of the region has practically returned to normal life. This is a victory for dummies in the center of the region. Bans on special quarantine regimes in the country have already become a deterrent for hardworking farmers, hindering their work.
For example, a special quarantine regime creates a number of obstacles to the sale of grown products. Local farmers believe that the special quarantine regime should be weakened in the regions, and possibly canceled.
It should be noted that most of the region's population received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
We learned the position of the Operational Headquarters on the proposals of Beylagan residents. A headquarters spokesman said that although the pandemic has subsided in some regions, we are moving towards a new wave in Baku. ” Daily statistics confirm this: “People must use personal protective equipment and pay particular attention to personal hygiene. Let's not forget. that the pandemic has not yet said goodbye to us. "

