New discoveries have been made about the Caspian Khaganate


Scientists have found new evidence of the settlement life of the peoples of the Caspian Khaganate. According to RIA Novosti, archaeologists from the Belgorod State National Research University excavated the settlements of the Caspian Khaganate tribes of the VIII-X centuries and found fragments of ceramic vessels, piles of clay and animal bones. The findings show that nomadic people were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, raising horses, small ruminants, cereals and even pigs.
Andrei Papkov, dean of the history and philology department at the Belgorod State Pedagogical Institute, said the findings by archaeologists confirmed the sedentary lifestyle of the Saltovo-Mayatsk culture in the eastern part of modern Belgorod.
It should be noted that archaeologists from the National Research University have studied two monuments of the Saltovo-Mayatsk culture in Belgorod in 2021. Researchers were able to reach the cultural layer in one area. They found fragments of pottery, clay, and animal bones and took soil samples for washing. In the second area, a layer of culture was found at a depth of more than 1.5 meters. According to researchers, among the most valuable findings are a piece of iron piercing and a metal knife. The findings were handed over accordingly.

