Who will stop the bribes collected from the owners of wedding houses and weddings ?! - people are looking for an answer to this question ..


Local police, tax and food safety officials are not afraid to collect bribes

There are alarming reports from across the country that large bribes have been taken on weddings due to crown restrictions.

The fact that the Operational Headquarters, which operates under the NK, conditionally allowed weddings and many other celebrations since July 1, created excellent conditions for government officials to receive bribes.

The attendance of more than 150 people at weddings and the ban on the participation of those without a COVID-19 passport has led to a further increase in bribery in the country. According to complaints received from people in our editorial office, on average, a police officer receives a bribe of 500 manats, a representative of the Food Safety Department - 200 manats, and a representative of the tax inspection - 300 manats from wedding halls operating in all settlements of Azerbaijan.

Thus, the person conducting the wedding and the head of the wedding palace must give a bribe in the amount of at least 1,000 (thousand) manats to the representative of the above state bodies before the wedding, so that the wedding celebration goes unnoticed. If the bribe is not delivered on time, the owner of the wedding palace will be fined 4,000 manats, and the wedding host will be fined.

As it is clear from the letters of complaints and calls from our people, people see with their own eyes every day that the coronavirus gives government officials an excellent chance to rob people, and this opportunity is being used in the country.

Ordinary people and all people watching such a hideous sight wonder; - Who in the eyes of the people will stop the ugliness of government officials, such as bribery, which violates all laws, takes bribes from wedding halls and turns the joy of the people into poison ?! ..

