Found treatment for hopeless coronavirus patients


Israeli doctors have even developed a drug to treat coronavir patients who have no hope of recovery. The device has shown such unexpectedly successful results in initial clinical trials.
According to Al Jazeera, the first trial of the device was carried out on death row patients on artificial respiration at the Rambam hospital in Israel. It was observed that the drug caused progress immediately after injection into the patient. Computed tomography (CT) of the lungs showed that the dead albiols of the lungs quickly recovered and the patient could breathe freely. Within a month, the patient's lungs heal completely, while there are no signs of traditional pneumonia.
“We have been experimenting with embryonic stem cells for many years,” says Tomer Bronstein, a drug addiction doctor at Rambam Hospital. Thus, after the first injection, the patient does not recover immediately, but in a day begins to breathe freely. "
The coronavirus ward of Rambam hospital is being tested. Another doctor at the hospital, Shaddir Hamid, said that before and after the treatment, we performed CT scans of the patients' lungs. We have never seen such a quick recovery from common pneumonia. ”
Clinical trials of the drug are expanding both domestically and abroad. The most attractive feature of the drug is the healing of critically ill patients.
However, the drug has no contraindications, such as antibiotics and antiviral drugs, and does not harm other organs. The widespread use of the drug can significantly reduce mortality from coronavirus.

