Western arms deliveries to Ukraine failed to change situation on battlefield — Szijjarto


Western arms deliveries to Ukraine turned out to be useless, because they failed to change the situation on the battlefield, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said, Paralel.Az reports.

"We have to raise the question honestly, whether [the West’s] weapon deliveries [to Ukraine] have made any sense. And, obviously, they have made no sense, <…> because weapon deliveries have not changed the situation at the battlefield, and they have not brought us closer to peace either. Weapon deliveries have only increased the volume of weapons on both sides of the frontline, causing more casualties and causing the prolongation of the war," he told the General Debate of the 79th UN General Assembly.

"I do hope those who are still thinking about delivering more weapons to Ukraine will consider this impact and these consequences as well," the top Hungarian diplomat continued.

"And, similarly, I hope that those who are supposed to make decisions whether the weapons delivered from the West would be allowed to be used against strategic depths in Russia, will make a responsible decision," he added. "If Western weapons will be allowed to be targeted at strategic depths of Russia, that would cause a serious risk of escalation, for sure."

Szijjarto emphasized that all measures taken by the West in response to the conflict in Ukraine failed to produce the desired effect, because they were based on a false assumption that there might be a battlefield solution to the crisis.

"That means that a solution must be looked after somewhere else. And if you raise the question [of] where we should look for this solution, then the answer is - around the negotiating table. Therefore, Hungary argues in favor of an immediate ceasefire and the start of peace talks. This would be the fastest way to peace," he told the UN General Assembly.
