Baku Initiative Group to grant scholarships to young people from countries which are fighting colonialism


"Baku Initiative Group will grant scholarships to young people from countries which are fighting colonialism,” said Abbas Abbasov, the head of the Baku Initiative Group during his speech at the first Congress, held with the participation of leaders of more than 15 political parties and independence movements from Corsica, Melanesia, Polynesia, the Caribbean and Antilles, which suffered from French colonialism, organized by the People's Union for the Liberation of Guadeloupe and supported by the Baku Initiative Group, which is going to last 2 days, Paralel.Az reports.

"From this year, our organization will give scholarships to young people who want to study in Azerbaijan. I also want to bring to your attention that an exhibition on the history of colonialism will be held within the framework of COP29, which will be organized in November in our country.

At the same time, the Baku Initiative Group declares that the French police, while arresting the members of the movement of independence from colonialism, treated them as terrorists and secretly took them to Paris. There, they were subjected to various tortures. Among these people there are also women. The Baku Initiative Group declares that it will help the families of prisoners and those who defend them. The families of some of those political prisoners are participating in our event today," - Abbas Abbasov said.
