Fitch Solutions: Azerbaijan's current account balance will be in surplus in the next 10 years


Azerbaijan's current account balance will be in surplus for the next 10 years, this was stated in the forecast for Azerbaijan by Fitch Solutions (FS) company belonging to Fitch Group, Paralel.Az-Economics reports.

FS predicted the share of the current account balance in the GDP to be 23.7% in 2024, 21% in 2025, and 17.7% in 2026. Fitch Solutions determined that by 2030, the surplus of current account balance will be above 10%. FS analysts believe that in 2031, the surplus of the Central Bank will be 7.3%, in 2032 it will be 4.9%, and in 2033 it will be 2.7%.

Note that according to the statement of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan, the ratio of the balance of payments surplus to the gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2024 was 10.1%.
