Assistant to Azerbaijani President discusses COP29, regional and international issues in USIP


Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan - Head of the Foreign Policy Affairs Department of the Presidential Administration Hikmet Hajiyev has discussed COP29, regional and international issues at the United States Institute of Peace within the framework of his visit to the US, H. Hajiyev wrote on X account, Paralel.Az reports.

"Thanks United States Institute of Peace USIP for hosting us. We had broad exchange with the distinguished participants on bilatral relations between Azerbaijan and the United States and further promotion of our partnership, Azerbaijan's more global and new foreign policy vision such as COP29 and climate and green solidarity agenda, Central Asia/Azerbaijan as one single geopolitical and geoeconomic space and enhancement of regional cooperation, Middle Corridor, Caspian-Black Sea renewable corridor project, Armenia-Azerbaijan normalization and advancement of peace agenda, transformation and integration of the region of South Caucasus and more," added Assistant to President.
