Azerbaijan discovers Armenian-made explosive devices in Khojavend-PHOTO


A large number of explosives were discovered near a wine factory in the territory of Khojavend village of the Khojovend district, said the Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA), Paralel.Az reports.

During operations carried out by ANAMA employees, a large number of improvised explosive devices, explosives, a large number of explosives prepared to generate a powerful explosion consisting of both electric and non-electric detonators, as well as improvised explosive devices installed using D1 hand grenades manufactured in Armenia were discovered in the mentioned area.

Discovered explosives were neutralized by the employees of ANAMA and the security of the area was ensured.

Note that during demining operations conducted in liberated areas, anti-personnel mines and improvised explosive devices are frequently encountered. For this purpose, ANAMA once again urges citizens not to enter areas or objects where they are not sure of their safety and not to touch unfamiliar objects.
