Ilham Ismailov: "The Russian project USSR-2 is a pipe dream"


Today the mission of the peacekeeping forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in Kazakhstan has been completed. A few days ago, the President of Kazakhstan announced that the peacekeeping forces would soon leave the country. However, many experts are not sure that Russia will leave Kazakhstan and doubt that events will end so soon.
Ilham Ismayilov, chairman of the Center for Cooperation between Azerbaijanis and other Turkic-speaking peoples, said that Russia is actually using the CSTO as a tool to revitalize this never-before-practiced military bloc and is using it as a tool to deepen tensions between Russia and NATO. In the vast majority of Soviet countries, it deliberately created hotbeds of ethnic conflicts, and state policy has always created favorable conditions for the development of separatism. We can consider Russia's attack on Kazakhstan as a continuation of the policy of aggression against Ukraine and Georgia. It's just that Russia acted a little differently in this matter. He tried to present himself not as an aggressor, but as a savior, but I think that the goals and objectives of Russia are very clear to everyone. The main line of Russian policy has always been the policy of aggression. It is possible that the peacekeepers will leave Kazakhstan very soon, but he will remain president, and this makes it clear that Russia can turn this step into an occupation at any moment.
Commenting on Russia's plan to rebuild the former Soviet Union, Ismailov said it was in Russia's interests to replicate these ideas. The popularization of the Russian language, culture and literature in the post-Soviet countries is aimed at this. In recent days, the USSR-2 project has been restarted, and there are even those who want to give this issue a legal shell, drawing parallels from history. However, we must know that in each of the independent states a new generation of thinkers has already appeared who will have the independence of their country. Any actions of Russia against these independent states will be nothing but occupation. In recent years, under the leadership of Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan has become a country that has returned to its national identity and is defending its national identity. Many people, unaware of the essence of the matter, are now beginning to understand what they are doing, shouting anti-Nazarbayev slogans. Since the USSR-2 project, which Russia had wanted to implement for many years, was impossible in Nazarbayev's Kazakhstan, it was necessary to remove him from political power. People have already fully understood this. In Russia, they are well aware that a long stay in this country will create an anti-Russian atmosphere and create a negative image. Russia's desire to create the Soviet Union a second time may be an idea, but that would be an unrealistic fantasy."
The BSEC Chairman also commented on the position of the Organization of Turkic States on the events in Kazakhstan and the work that the organization can do: “We all know that the Organization of Turkic States was unable to quickly respond to the events. In Kazakhstan. True, the foreign ministers expressed a common position on these events and declared that they would provide the necessary support. but we want the activities of this organization to take more real action. It is necessary not to react to events, but to be ahead of them when necessary and prevent them. In any case, these events showed that it is necessary to form more flexible management systems for the Organization of Turkic States. At the same time, an alliance of power structures prepared for emergency situations should be formed within this organization. The hasty implementation of activities can be seen as a concern related to the growing prestige and emerging structures of this organization. And I think that these events will serve to further strengthen the organization of the Turkic states.

Исмаилов также прокомментировал наличие в социальных сетях неких сил, пытающихся перенести события в Казахстане на нашу страну. Он отметил, что вне зависимости от событий в мире всегда находились те, кто проводил параллели между этими событиями в нашей стране: «Я не думаю, что события в Казахстане произошли в результате названных нами причин. Мы, как нация, всегда поддерживали стабильность и мир в нашей стране. Даже во время 44-дневной войны мы сплотились в такой кулак и пытались обеспечить целостность нашей страны. Сегодня во всем мире существуют социальные проблемы, вызванные пандемией. Однако мы все видим, что эти проблемы носят временный характер. Мы как азербайджанское общество прекрасно понимаем, что беспорядки и провокации никогда не были решением проблемы, а скорее отбрасывали страну назад. Мы спасли наши земли от тридцатилетней оккупации. В настоящее время там ведутся работы по благоустройству, и наши люди хотят внести свой вклад в эту работу как один человек. Я думаю, что нынешняя политика, проводимая нашей страной, также служит благополучию и будущему региона».
Хочу также отметить, что время от времени способствовало успешное продолжение политической линии, заложенной Великим Лидером Гейдаром Алиевым, под руководством Президента Азербайджанской Республики Ильхама Алиева.
