The relationship between the color of fruits and vegetables and the vitamins they contain


Russian doctor Alena Glushakova spoke about the relationship between the color of fruits and vegetables and the content of vitamins useful for the body.
“For example, red indicates lycopene, which plays an antioxidant role that helps prevent inflammation in the body. Lycopene is commonly found in watermelon, tomato, dogwood, red grapefruit, beetroot, and radish.
Orange indicates a high amount of vitamins A and C. Carrots, oranges, mangoes, sweet potatoes, peppers and apricots are rich in them.
Vegetables and fruits high in vitamins A and B are yellow in color. These are yellow pepper, lemon and pineapple.
Green - such as broccoli, avocado, apple, cucumber and kiwi - are a source of lutein, iron, calcium, folate.
Blue and purple foods contain polyphenols and bioflavonoids, which increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences, strengthen blood vessels, reduce emotional arousal, and improve sleep, mood and memory. Blueberries, red cabbage, figs and red onions are rich in these elements, ”the doctor said.
However, he noted that strong immunity is associated not only with a balanced diet and a diet rich in vitamins, but also with work and rest, and a healthy lifestyle in general.

