An example of a forgery from an Armenian historian


Armenian historian, academician Ashot Melkonyan commented on the opinion of President Ilham Aliyev that Syunik, Seva, Vardenis and Yerevan are historical Azerbaijani lands. We abbreviate the words of the Armenian “historian”: “The territory of the present republic, called Azerbaijan, has nothing in common with the northern regions of Iran, the historical Atrpatakan. When Seljuk Turks first appeared in the region, it was ridiculous to talk about Turkic names and Turkic elements in our region, including Eastern Armenia, Georgia, Eastern Caucasus and Northern Iran. Starting from Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, Atrpatakan, Sheki, Shirvan, all the territories of Eastern Armenia, that is, Utik, Artsakh, Paytakaran of the Great Hayk province, bore Armenian names, and Armenians settled there. Turks appeared in the region only in the 9th century. The process of Turkization of the toponyms of Eastern Armenia and Eastern Transcaucasia began in the 14-15th centuries, when the Turkmen tribes established their dominance here. The Iranian-speaking population of northern Iran gradually became Turkic-speaking. This Turkic-speaking population later personified the Safavid state of Iran at the end of the 15th century. Persians who were Persians spoke Turkish. This was also observed in the territory of Eastern Armenia. But this does not mean that earlier these places were not Armenian in the 14-15th centuries, especially in the 11th century. The Turks named this land as they saw it. For example, if there was muddy water, they would say "Kara-Su", if they saw three churches, "Three churches", if they saw four churches, they would say "Dort Church". What Aliyev said is blatant fraud - manipulation to represent Turkey and Azerbaijan in the region. The civilized world, including the scientific community, understands all this very well and understands that Azerbaijani historiography is completely falsified and has nothing to do with real science. Especially Europe, the United States, Russia, intellectuals and professional communities know real history very well. Russian intellectuals always say that it is ridiculous to talk about the ancient culture of Azerbaijan. Because it is a fake culture created in the Eastern Caucasus on the basis of the Turkish-Iranian element. Today, Azerbaijanis - a state called Azerbaijan - are looking for identity because they have adopted the history and culture of almost all of their neighbors - Armenians, Georgians, Lezghins and even Turkmen relatives. Aliyev's hasty statements about the Zangezur Corridor, Sevan, Yerevan, and now Vardenis are related to the fact that now is the best time for Turkey and Azerbaijan to use the success of the 44-day war to implement the Pan-Turkism program.
It should be noted that our answer, based on reliable and historical sources, proving the inconsistency of the known claims of those who falsify history should not be delayed.

