Former militants in Armenia complain


Recently, the number of complaints from former militants who lost their health during the 44-day war has been increasing on Armenian websites and in the Armenian segment of social networks. Armenian public activists and civil society representatives explain this by the lack of funding from the government. However, the government blames the former defense minister for all of these problems. Therefore, the new defense minister plans to take serious organizational steps.
Thus, according to Armenian websites, the new Minister of Defense of Armenia Arshak Karapetyan, at a meeting with the heads of the departments of the Ministry of Defense, stated that he receives many complaints from citizens about the process of issuing legal and social documents related to the Ministry. ...
Karapetyan ordered to reorganize the work and instructed the heads of departments: “Significantly improve the quality of services provided to citizens, solve the problems posed within a reasonable time frame. Otherwise, you will be held accountable. "
Arshak Karapetyan, who has received a new position and title, still does not understand that the problem is not in organizational matters, but in the lack of funds in the country to ensure the reception of former militants. For this reason, the issuance of documents to persons whose disability must be confirmed in Armenia has been purposefully expanded.

Akif Nasirli
