"Certificate of contraindication" is issued by polyclinics


Will the machine check if people are vaccinated or not?

In recent days, new nuances have appeared in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said it is already replacing the Delta strain with Alpha. According to the WHO, the Alpha strain has a more aggressive infection rate. However, the organization has yet to announce which vaccine is effective against the new mutagen.
However, for several weeks now, people who have contraindications to vaccination have been having serious problems. They are asked for a vaccination passport, and a person can, at best, provide a certificate of contraindications. This issue has been resolved since August 9th. Thus, according to the doctor, in Azerbaijan, "Certificates of Contraindications" are issued to those who have contraindications to approved vaccines.
To obtain a "certificate of contraindications", you must contact your local clinics.
According to social media reports, a device has been delivered to Azerbaijan to check the vaccination of people, which will help detect fake vaccination passports. According to unconfirmed reports, this device is already being used at the Bina airport named after Heydar Aliyev. The relevant agencies do not confirm or deny this news.

Akif Nasirli
