How much has our consciousness developed as a nation in the last 100 years?


Associate Professor Ilham Ahmadov: "The amount of oil produced in Baku in the early 20th century (as part of the empire) was many times less than in the early 21st century (as an independent state). But in those years the national bourgeoisie was formed ( We did not see an official millionaire, but 5-10 billionaires and thousands of millionaires were created in the country due to corruption).
At that time, the national bourgeoisie was doing charity work, supporting the poor, bringing water to Baku, helping talents, education, culture and health.
If the "illiterate" philanthropists of that time had not told the entrepreneurs that in 100 years the money allocated from the state budget for water supply, education, health and culture would be stolen by "educated" officials, they would buy 100 villas with stolen money at home and abroad. he wouldn't believe it.
I wonder how much our consciousness as a nation has declined in the last 100 years? "

