The pensioner is dissatisfied with his pension


The issue of pensions in Azerbaijan has never been unequivocally addressed. From the amount of pensions, the age limit, its adaptation to life expectancy and other important issues have arisen from time to time. At this point, the gradual increase of the age limit from 2017 is also under discussion. By the way, raising the retirement age for women by six months each year is also a matter of concern for them. Currently, the high retirement age is a source of dissatisfaction and suggestions are being made to reduce it. One of the retirees we spoke to said that life expectancy in Azerbaijan is very low and, accordingly, the retirement age should be reduced. He also talks about his problem: “I have been retired for many years. I have worked in the pedagogical field for about 40 years. During my work, I paid membership fees and taxes to colleagues. However, when I retired due to old age, the amount of my pension was slightly different from that of the unemployed. In the last increase, the amount of my pension was increased from 263 to 293 manat. This amount is not enough to treat the diseases I suffer from. In addition, the retiree must be properly nourished and protected at this age. My pension is not enough for this. This is the pension I received in return for working for years. "

The pensioner says that another problem needs to be raised before the relevant authorities. This also applies to credit relations between pensioners and banks. Our interlocutor notes that he took a loan from one of the banks for treatment in 2015, but still suffers from it: “On January 30, 2015, I had to take a loan of 3,151 manat from Muganbank for my surgery and treatment. The bank gave me a loan at 28%. The interest rate on the 3151 manat loan I took was 2112 manat. As a result, I had to pay 5263 manats against 3151 manats. After repaying the loan for several months, my condition worsened and I had to go to the next operation. That's why I couldn't pay. My loan was deducted from my pension and transferred directly from the sobez to the bank. As a result, more than 90 manats were deducted from my pension for more than a year. Then I was informed that the existing debt obligation against Muganbank is transferred to the International Bank. According to the statement, in addition to what I have paid so far, I have to pay 613.73 manat.

The pensioner says that the amount of his current pension, in addition to medical expenses, is not enough to repay the loan to the bank.

