Does anyone know the reason for the increasing suicides?


Azad Isazadeh: "There is no real suicide statistics in Azerbaijan, nor is there an organization that seeks and identifies the main causes by grouping it"

According to, the number of suicides in the country has recently increased sharply. "In Baku, 19-year-old Kamila Hashimli threw herself from the 10th floor of a 16-storey building. She died at the scene," he said. Yes, even without a psychologist, it is clear that the pandemic, which lasted more than a year and a half, plus the losses of the 44-day war, led to a tense psychological situation in society. This, of course, plays a role in the increase in suicides. In general, is this issue considered as a problem in the country, is it studied and preventive measures are taken against it? We tried to get the opinion of Azad Isazadeh, an expert in this field. The expert said that the reasons for suicide are very diverse: "Therefore, it is very difficult to generalize the causes of suicide. Man himself is the pinnacle of psychological problems. At the point of suicide, a person seems to be in a dilemma, looking for a way out. It is a psychological factor. In such cases, a person should first of all be helped by close people, family members and friends, and taken to a psychologist. But it is the concentration of problems that leads people to this point, and the higher the concentration, the higher the suicide rate. At present, the number of suicides is much higher than in reality. People do not like the suicide of family members, consider it a shame and hide it whenever possible. In recent years, suicides have become more common. , wants to create the illusion of suicide in order to intimidate family members. In many cases, suicides occur because they are not calculated correctly. That is, each suicide must be investigated separately. At the same time, it is important to have real statistics. In the next stage, in a center where specialists work, suicides should be grouped according to the causes and the main cause should be recruited. There is no real suicide statistics in Azerbaijan, nor is there a body that seeks and identifies the main causes by grouping suicides. There should be such an institution, where the main causes of suicide should be identified and preventive measures should be taken against it. In this case, we can manage the problem. Unfortunately, there is no such center yet. "

Akif Nasirli
