Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister meets with OSCE Secretary General


Today, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov has met with OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid, who is on a visit to Azerbaijan, Paralel.Az reports.

According to information, prospects of the Azerbaijan-OSCE cooperation agenda, as well as regional and international security issues, regional cooperation opportunities were discussed at the meeting.

Amid the background of the current regional and international security situation, the importance of efficient use of existing opportunities in order to find a solution to regional issues based on international legal norms within the framework of the OSCE was emphasized. In this direction, the importance of the organization to establish its activities in accordance with today's realities was noted. It was pointed out that Azerbaijan is one of the most active members of the OSCE in a number of directions.

It was noted that Azerbaijan's chairmanship of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) can contribute to strengthening the direction of climate action in the current cooperation agenda.

Minister Jeyhun Bayramov spoke in detail about the regional situation in the post-conflict period, the recovery, reconstruction and peace agenda of Azerbaijan, current threats and challenges. It was stated that the mine threat of Armenia continues to threaten the return of Azerbaijani citizens to the liberated territories, as well as the large-scale restoration and construction works carried out in this direction.

The latest development in the process of normalization between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the progress achieved in the peace process were noted. However, it was underlined that it is unacceptable that the territorial claims against Azerbaijan still remains in the current Constitution of Armenia. It was brought to attention that the steps that threaten the progress of the peace agenda, especially the increasing rapid militarization in Armenia, remain a source of concern.

During the meeting, opinions were also exchanged on other issues of mutual interest.
