Iran begins trial of Swedish EU diplomat detained for spying


Iran has begun its trial of a Swedish diplomat being held on espionage charges, according to Iranian media on Sunday, Paralel.Az reports citing DW.

The Iranian judiciary's Mizan Online news portal said Johan Floderus was accused of "extensive measures against the security of the country" and spying for Israel. He was also charged with "corruption on earth," one of Iran's most serious crimes which is punishable by death.

Floderus, who is 33 years old, was arrested in April 2022 at Tehran International Airport while on vacation in Iran. He is reportedly being held in Evin Prison in Tehran, the country's most prominent incarceration facility for political prisoners and dissidents.

The prosecution has claimed that Floderus gathered intel on Iran's nuclear programs and worked on "subversive projects" to help Israel.

Prosecutors also believe Floderus was setting up a network of Swedish intelligence agents in Iran and that he was in contact with the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK). The exiled MEK group seeks the overthrow of the Iranian government, with the Islamic Republic deeming it a terrorist organization.

A verdict in the case is expected on December 19.
