The fate of 1 million collected from the population of Sumgayit...
In October-November last year, the Executive Power of Sumgayit informed the people of Sumgayit that public transport had already switched to a card payment system.
According to, residents were forced to use these cards worth 2 manats to travel in public transport.
As a result, less than a month later, the Executive Power informed residents that the card system in public transport was canceled and payment would be made in cash.
Although at first glance two manats may seem like a small amount, it should be noted that the population of Sumgayit is 347,000 people. If we take into account that 200,000 people received this card, then this is 400,000 manats.
Thinking of making money on a convenient road, the executive power then informed the residents that public transport fares would be transferred to Baku Card.
The fate of 400,000 manats received from cards sold to the population is in question...
It should be noted that if we calculate the amount invested in the sold card at least 3 manats, then this is about 600 thousand manats, and the executive power of Sumgayit as a whole receives 1 million manats from the population.