Children are infected with the virus too !?


According to, the spread of coronavirus in our country continues to grow. At the same time, the operational headquarters say that 66% of the population of Azerbaijan has already been vaccinated.
What worries people the most is the fact that children around the world are infected with this virus.
The DOCTOR says that there is no such threat in Azerbaijan yet, and they do not think about vaccinating children.
However, Yusif Hajiyev, a doctor who works at a children's clinic in Texas, said 5800 children were hospitalized at the hospital where he worked for a week, 783 of them were diagnosed with the coronavirus. Our compatriot Yusif Hajiyev recommends wearing a mask and keeping your distance. Meanwhile, the doctor said no one had been vaccinated among those who died during recent infections. This indicates the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Yusif Sayyid
