The Armenian side claims that the Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh should be permanent, not temporary


This was stated by Arayik Harutyunyan, who claims that the Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh are not temporary, but permanent, at a meeting with the residents of Agdara (the meeting place of Harutyunyan was referred to in the Armenian media as Mardakert). “The region is such that we cannot provide security and peace alone,” he said. The presence of Russian troops should be permanent, not temporary. If Russian troops had not entered the region, our fate would have been different. "
Touching upon the topic of betrayal, which was actively discussed both during the war and after it, Harutyunyan called the accusations and comments stupid. Harutyunyan said that there was no talk of betrayal and betrayal, they only fought the world with disabilities.

