Residents of Yeni Yasamal have a problem


Residents of the capital's Yeni Yasamal residential area, Asad Ahmadov Street, are suffering from a route problem.
According to, the residents who contacted our editorial office are dissatisfied with the unresolved problem they have been experiencing for years: “We have been suffering from a problem that is easy to solve for many years. Although there are mostly new buildings in the area where we live, only two buses serve a large number of residents. They are buses 211 and 77. Bus No. 211 operates at half-hour intervals and is always full. From July 6, the old bus number 211 was replaced by a new one, Bakubus. But the situation has not changed. Buses No. 77 are very old, they do not have a card system, air conditioning and do not meet modern standards. Due to the lack of a card system, bus number 77 collects customers at every step, not at bus stops. If Bakubus has buses, we will be free from this problem. We have a hard time going to work and school in the mornings. Years ago, it was said that Bakubus buses would operate in the area, but this issue was forgotten after the opening of the ring road.
Residents note that there are three modern buses - 17, 39, 7 - on the road to the "Kismet" wedding house in Yeni Yasamal. Therefore, there is no serious problem. However, the situation on Ahmadov Street is difficult, in this sense, it would be good if an additional bus is allowed there: “We have to change several buses to get somewhere, which is very damaging to our already small budget. Please help solve this problem. "

