155 - "shouting" center


In times of primitive technical capabilities, he can easily make a phone call to any department or organization and ask about his problems.
Another question was whether the pain was cured or not. It's about answering phone calls quickly. As technical progress progressed, so did the level and efficiency of logical service. But it seems that the opposite is happening here, as in any other field. Almost all service sectors and government agencies have created a "Call Center" for themselves. It seems that the complainant's complaint will be promptly recorded and delivered to the appropriate instance.
The trouble is that today, when a citizen calls the Call Center for any issue (except 102, 103,112), he almost has a heart attack instead of listening to ordinary music. Every time the robot says, "Operators are busy right now, please wait a bit on the line," you shout at the front, and you say fat words. In the end, you hang up the phone support.
The Ministry of Communications and High Technologies is also playing with people's already tense nerves by creating a single call center. The phone does not work, you call 155 "Call Center" to find out the reason. Let's say the center is at the disposal of the robot: "Operators are busy right now, please wait a bit on the line." You can't even ask how many minutes the robot brother "a little". So, due to a small problem, we had to listen to the ringing music of the Ministry for 38 minutes at the music festival. My friend got tired and supported me, I continued the relay, and at the appointed time, the lady operator finally voted for us. During that time, I screamed at the robot so much that I lost my voice.
Now I don't know what to call these three-digit "Call Center": "Call or Scream Center"?

