Until there are baby boxes, children will be thrown out into the street


This is already a serious question of how far steps that contradict the national mentality and traditions will take us in Azerbaijan. The fact that newborns have recently been dumped makes it urgent to take urgent measures in this direction. There may be those who speak of a number of socioeconomic, material, spiritual and physical reasons for abandoning their children. It can be said that extramarital affairs also play a role in these reasons.

According to statistics last year, unmarried women in the country gave birth to 17,714 children. From another point of view, this is a serious problem. However, it is possible that among those thrown out there will be illegitimate ones. The fact that three children in a row have stepped out on the street lately shows that this trend is dire.

Yusif Bakirov, a human rights activist, says that until there are "children's boxes", parents will throw abandoned children on the ground, on the street, in the trash can. Because when they take their child to an orphanage, they crucify him, as they say. To avoid responsibility, the woman throws the child into the trash can. "Baby boxes eliminate this problem, they put the child in there, and no one questions the parent because he gave birth to the child out of wedlock."

The human rights activist says that the Ministry of Health should organize baby boxes. If this issue is raised, it will be easier to take the first step for the safety of the child: “If this practice is applied, as soon as the child is taken out of the baby box, his health and so on. issues are monitored by the Ministry of Health. It is a pity that we have abandoned children, and although various measures are being taken against this, the problem cannot be eliminated. In this sense, if there is a problem, the solution is to use "baby box". I see no other way out. "

