A grandiose festive event dedicated to the 146th anniversary of the national press took place


The participants of the event got acquainted with the history of the Azerbaijani press.

The Azerbaijan Media Development Agency celebrated the 146th anniversary of the national press on July 22 with a grand event organized by the Seaside Park.

The jubilee event of the National Press this year, organized by high-level media, took a completely different form from the boring and banal events held in previous years.
The jubilee participants expressed their interest in organizing the photo exhibition of the 54th issue of the Akinchi newspaper, presented by the young participants, with great pleasure.

The speeches of the Executive Director of the Agency Akhmad Ismayilov, the Chairman of the National Assembly Aflatun Amashov, the head of the NTRK of the Agency Natig Mammadli and other speakers were greeted by the participants of the event.

The presentation of a video, reflecting the history of our national press, was very interesting at the event.

