Families of martyrs are dissatisfied with the punishment given to " racketeering journalists


Family of martyrs: "we hope that the Named Persons will receive the punishment they deserve"

Akif Nagi: "a special law on Martyr and martyr family should be adopted"

Today, the prosecutor's office received explanations from the families of martyrs who received money from"racketeering journalists". Families of martyrs also expressed their dissatisfaction with the light sentence given to “racketeering journalists”who received money from them. They claim that the prosecutor's office reported that the families of martyrs received money in the amount of 240 Manats, but the figure in question is more than that: "we hope that the said persons will receive the punishment they deserve." For several weeks now, both legal and public condemnation of journalists receiving money "for withdrawal" from families of martyrs has been continuing. Such a message comes from the society that such actions against our martyrs and veterans who sacrifice their lives and health for FREE are inadmissible. However, the legal punishment of this despicable act, which we consider morally unacceptable, is 15 days. How does it happen that the journalist, who is a racketeer against the officer, gets 5-10 years in prison, but the journalists who are doing the same actions against the families of martyrs and veterans can save their lives with a penalty of 15 days?

Speaking to the correspondent of Paralel.az on the issue, Chairman of the Karabakh Freedom Organization Akif Nagi said that in Azerbaijan there is a special moral respect for the martyr's name and the martyr's family, but this is not fully defined at the legislative level: "I think edirəm.ki, there should be a special attitude at the legislative level to the martyr and martyr family. A special law should be adopted on the martyr and martyr's family. The martyr and the family of martyrs should be given special status by law. No one should dare to look at the family of martyrs and martyrs for whatever reason. The martyr is the highest value of Azerbaijan - not only because he sacrificed his sweet life, but also because he sacrificed his life for the liberation of our lands from occupation, for the restoration of the honor and honor of the nation. After the soldier reaches the summit of martyrdom, the state stands, is the situn. I think that the witness and his family should be treated from the point of view of legislation. A special law should be adopted that there can be no threats or insults against the martyr and his family and that provides for severe penalties for such cases. If you remember, the psychologist, public activist Narmin Shahmarzadeh once used offensive statements against the National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov. The trial went on, and finally it turned out that there is no legal basis for imposing a severe penalty. There was a public condemnation, but we did not see anyone seriously punished. The logic of the court is that the journalist received a low amount of money. In the new law, it is not about the amount, but about the attitude to the family of martyrs."

Akif Nasirli
