Some cultural institutions in Russia are inaccessible to disabled people


According to a report of the Chamber of accounts based on an assessment of the availability of cultural services for the population, more than 70 percent of cultural institutions in Russia are not adapted for disabled citizens. according to the document, “more than 70 percent of cultural institutions are not adapted to the needs of people with disabilities and other low mobility groups in the Russian Federation as a whole “(Ria.Novosti).

According to the legislation on social protection, the authorities create conditions for unimpeded access to them, including cultural institutions and services. The Ministry of culture of Russia approved the requirements for entry into cultural institutions, taking into account the special needs of alillarin and other low-moving groups of the population.

According to information from the Chamber of accounts, however, the lack of an unobstructed environment aimed at the integration of people with disabilities into society hinders the implementation of federal legislation and policy documents.

The Chamber of accounts had previously announced an increase in violations in public procurement. Thus, only 9.3 percent of circus buildings, 11 percent of Zoos, 14.8 percent of museums, 17 percent of libraries, 28 percent of cultural and recreational institutions and 28.5 percent of theaters are adapted to the needs of people with disabilities and movement limitations: “in the context of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, accessibility indicators are even less, for example, 14.8 percent: libraries are in 45 regions, museums in 32 regions,theaters in 6 regions.”

According to the Chamber of accounts, only 11 percent of cultural and recreational institutions, 13 percent of libraries and 18.6 percent of circuses have their own websites accessible to people with visual impairments.

